How to Win Poetry Contests

 Learn how to win poetry contests with these tips. If you enjoy writing poetry, it's time to enter a poetry competition!

Learn how to win poetry contests with these tips. If you enjoy writing poetry, it's time to enter a poetry competition!

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How to Win Poetry Contests

Have you ever won a poetry contest? There are many poetry competitions that offer exciting prizes like an all expenses paid trip or cash prize.

Check out the Poetry Society for a list of publications that offer competitions for poets.

Where to find the best poetry contests

The New American Press Poetry contest is a yearly contest with cash prizes. Plus, winners' poems will be published in their publication.

Many publishing houses offer poetry competitions. You can try places like Pittsburgh University Press or Autumn House Press.

Subscribe to a writers magazine for the best chance of finding less well known contests. There will be fewer entries and a better chance of winning a cash prize.

Sometimes the winning work is published in a national poetry series. Or, your poem may win awards or accolades.

cash prizes

What types of prizes can you win?

Every contest has a different poetry prize. Large contests may include things like an all-expenses paid trip. 

A smaller contest may offer cash prizes. Or, if there are two prizes, one may be having your poetry collection published in their book.

Do I need a cover letter to enter a poetry contest?

Yes, you will need to include a cover letter when entering a contest. This should be concise but highlight why your poem is worth the attention of the judges. 

Include any special notes like where the poem was published before and why it would be great for their publication.

a woman writing poetry

How to prepare for a poetry competition?

Before submitting your work, be sure to proofread and revise your poem until it is perfect. Have other people you trust read your work, take their feedback, and make changes if needed.

You should also research the contest you are entering. Find out past winners, read the official guidelines so you know what they are looking for in a winning entry.

Is there an entry fee to enter a poetry contest?

Most poetry contests require an entry fee, which ranges from a few dollars to larger amounts like $50. The entry fees can cover the cost of running the contest and help select winners with more impartiality.

Be sure to read all rules and requirements carefully before entering.

Tips for entering poetry competitions

If you want to win a poetry contest, here are a few tips to keep in mind when preparing your poetry manuscript.

1. Read the rules and regulations of the competition carefully. Follow all instructions when submitting your entry to ensure that it is accepted by the judges.

2. Select a poem that best fits the theme or topic of the poetry contest. Spend time perfecting and polishing your poem before entering it in the competition.

Learn how to win poetry contests with these tips. If you enjoy writing poetry, it's time to enter a poetry competition!

3. Proofread your poem for grammar and spelling mistakes. Remember, the poem should be free of any typographical errors in order to make a good impression on the judges.

4. Submit your entry early. Don't leave it until the last minute as this increases your chances of making mistakes or missing key details that could cost you a win.

5. Follow up with the competition organizers after submitting your entry. It's important to know if your poem was accepted and when the judging process is expected to be completed.

6. Participate in as many contests as you can, this will help you gain experience and increase your chances of winning a prize.

Published or unpublished work?

Carefully read the rules of the competition. Some publications only want new poetry. If you have had work published in the past, this may disqualify you from some competitions.

Some competitions are specifically for poets who have not yet been published. Others are for young poets or are focused on a specific theme.

flowers, a journal, and a coffee cup

How many poems should I submit?

Again, each poetry contest has its own rules. Some allow you to enter up to three poems. Others only allow one poem.

If you are only allowed to enter a single poem, make sure that it is your very best.

Here are a few sites to check out right now.

Lastly, make sure to follow all contest rules and deadlines for the best chance of success.

Now that you have the tips and know what to do, it's time to enter a poetry competition! Good luck!

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