Summer Contest Ideas for Dental Offices

Check out these summer contest ideas for dental offices. Increase patient loyalty and find new clients.

Check out these summer contest ideas for dental offices. Increase patient loyalty and find new clients.

 Summer Contest Ideas for Dental Offices

Summer is the perfect time to engage with your patients and create a buzz around your dental office. Hosting a variety of contests and giveaways can increase patient loyalty, attract new clients, and make your practice the talk of the town. Here are some exciting ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

Summer Contest Ideas for Patients

1. Smile Selfie Contest

Encourage your patients to share their best smile selfies on social media using a specific hashtag. This not only promotes good oral hygiene but also spreads the word about your practice. Offer a prize for the best smile, such as a free teeth whitening session or a gift card to a local restaurant.

2. Guess the Number of Dental Floss Packs

Place a large jar filled with dental floss packs in your waiting area and have patients guess how many packs are inside. The person with the closest guess wins a prize. This simple yet engaging contest can run all summer long and keep patients coming back to check their guesses.

3. Dental Trivia Quiz

Create a fun trivia quiz related to dental health and post it on your social media channels or website. Patients can participate by submitting their answers. Offer a prize for the highest scorer or conduct a random draw among all participants who got the answers right.

Get this how to brush your teeth printablehow to brush your teeth printable.

4. Creative Art Contest for Kids

Engage younger patients with an art contest. Ask them to draw or paint something related to dental health. Display the artwork in your office or online and have a panel of judges pick the winners. Prizes could include dental care kits, toys, or gift cards.

toothbrush with toothpaste

Dental Office Giveaway Ideas

1. Monthly Drawings

Hold monthly drawings where patients can enter by simply coming in for their regular appointments. Each visit gives them an entry into the drawing, encouraging consistent visits. Prizes could range from electric toothbrushes to spa vouchers.

2. Referral Program

Incentivize your patients to refer friends and family to your practice. For each referral that results in a new patient, enter the referring patient into a prize drawing. Consider offering a grand prize at the end of the summer, like a weekend getaway or a high-value gift certificate.

3. Social Media Challenges

Run weekly or bi-weekly social media challenges where patients complete specific tasks (e.g., sharing dental health tips, posting a picture with their dentist) and tag your practice. Each entry gets them a chance to win a prize, fostering community engagement online.

people participating in a fun run

Dental Competitions

1. Best Brusher Contest

Encourage patients to participate by demonstrating their brushing techniques either in-office or through video submissions. Provide tips on proper brushing techniques and select a winner based on creativity and effectiveness. 

2. Orthodontic Patient of the Month

For orthodontic practices, highlight a patient each month who has shown excellent compliance with their treatment plan. Feature them on your social media pages and reward them with a small prize, such as a branded water bottle or T-shirt.

3. Fun Run or Charity Event

Organize a fun run or charity event to promote community health and wellness. Participants can register through your office, and proceeds can go to a local charity. Offer prizes for the top finishers and participants who raise the most funds.

woman with braces smiling

Orthodontic Office Contest Ideas

1. Braces-Friendly Recipe Contest

Ask patients to submit their favorite braces-friendly recipes. Compile the best ones into a digital cookbook and share it with all participants. Offer a cooking class voucher or kitchen gadget as a prize.

2. Best Transformation Photo Contest

Encourage patients to share their before-and-after photos showcasing their orthodontic transformation. Highlight these transformations on a dedicated section of your website or social media, and reward the best submission with a prize.

containers of lip butter for dental swag

Dental Office Swag

1. Custom Branded Merchandise

Create custom-branded merchandise such as T-shirts, water bottles, tote bags, and dental kits. Offer these as giveaways during contests or as prizes for patient referrals. Not only does this create a sense of community, but it also serves as free advertising for your practice.

2. Seasonal Swag Bags

Prepare seasonal swag bags filled with dental care products, branded merchandise, and summer essentials like sunscreen and lip balmlip balm. Hand these out to patients after their appointments during the summer months.

Dental Booth Ideas

1. Community Events

Set up a booth at local community events, fairs, or festivals. Offer free dental screenings, giveaways, and educational materials. Engage with attendees through interactive games and contests, such as a spin-the-wheel game with dental-related prizes.

2. Health Fairs

Participate in health fairs by setting up an informative booth that provides valuable dental health information. Offer free consultations and distribute branded merchandise. Interactive displays and demonstrations can attract more visitors to your booth.

3. School Visits

Partner with local schools to set up a dental health booth during school events. Offer educational activities, free dental kits, and fun contests for kids. This not only promotes dental health but also positions your practice as a community-focused organization.

Check out these summer contest ideas for dental offices. Increase patient loyalty and find new clients.


Running summer contests and giveaways is a fantastic way to engage with your patients and attract new ones. By offering fun and rewarding activities, you can create a positive and memorable experience for everyone involved. Ready to take your dental practice to the next level? Start planning your summer contests today and watch your patient engagement soar! 

If you're looking for more personalized ideas and strategies, don't hesitate to reach out to our team. We're here to help you create a winning marketing plan for your dental practice.

Happy Summer! 


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